Mechanic Quote..

Eric_R_Kissell at Eric_R_Kissell at
Fri Apr 26 16:23:01 EDT 2002

I made my own tool to do it on the car for almost free. I took some
aluminum round stock and turned it down to the right outer diameters for
removal and installation of all of the pieces. Some 0.75" (or did I use
0.625"?) standard threaded rod works for applying the force, though I would
prefer fine thread for more mechanical advantage. I use some appropriately
sized plastic pipe reinforced with some hose clamps to provide clearance
for pulling the bearing. I can do a bearing in 1 to 2 hours. I promised
some digital pictures of my tool, which I can take now that I have a new
digital camera. Maybe next week. Does anyone know where I can put the
pictures up, since I do not have a web page of my own?

As far as reusing the snap ring, I goofed and left one out several years ago.
Two years later after car had covered ~35k miles I decided to see what it looked
like. So, I replaced a perfectly good bearing in order to learn that the outer
race had not moved at all without a snap ring installed. I did not think it
would, as tight as that press fit is. It looks like the ring merely provides a
high factor of safety. I suppose a really bad failed bearing could heat up
appreciably and then things might move around. Does anyone have BTDT?

Eric Kissell

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