quattro digest, Vol 1 #3346 - '90 200tqa IA mod 1.7 bar or 2.0

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Sun Apr 28 12:20:14 EDT 2002

Just to make the point, that there are some running changes to the Code
pulling on MAC14
(a.k.a. MC2 10VT) engines.

1) Note Scott Mockry's site states that cars with indicators MAY have the
light installed, no
definite indication whether or not the car is a CA car or not.
2) FP relay slot is also a may or may not work. Since it's easy to get
to, try it!

Case in point, my '89 200Q, MC2, MAC 14 has, 49 US state emissions has:

        1) In dash indicator
        2) FP relay DOES trigger the codes

Only way I knew was to try it. Makes things albit more convienient to
pull codes
until I make a momentary contact switch/jumper set up for the 3 sockets
the dash so I can pull codes at will, but it works as long as you have a
fuse. Of course, your results may vary.....


> Date: Sun, 28 Apr 2002 00:16:00 -0400
> To: Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at yahoo.com>,
>         Robert Myers <robert at s-cars.org>
> From: Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net>
> Subject: Re: 90 200tqa IA mod 1.7 bar or 2.0
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> At 6:34 AM -0700 4/27/02, Ron Wainwright wrote:
> >   Robert, & listers,
> >
> >   I got a chance to take a look at the car a little
> >and while driving I got 1.8 bar I've never seen 1.8
> >bar have gotten 1.7 but like I said never 1.8 so I'm
> >thinking that I have what Ned describes as the stageII
> >computer with 2.0 bar so there is something wrong
> >Ned suggested I look at the throttle switch and the
> >multi function switch,
> MFTS -could- be sending an overheat, but I don't think you'd get
> anywhere near 1.7bar indicated if that was true; also, the AC would
> stop working.  On the 200q20v, for example, you get about 1.3 bar
> because the ECU completely turns off the wastegate frequency valve.
> >  all so does it matter that I have a what was
> >described to me as a 1.7 bar spring instead of a 2.0
> >bar spring but Ned said that I should be gettin 2.0
> >bar with the stock spring any thoughts?
> Well, at least on the 200q20v, the computer display changes to
> being
> "scaled"; 1.8 bar indicated is actually much more, since you have a
> different pressure sensor.  If Ned thought you were saying you had
> an
> external gauge and it was reading 1.7, that might be one source of
> confusion.
> Also, Bentley specifies a boost test of 4th gear, 2k rpms...nail
> it,
> and you should get full boost by around 3k.  I thought I wasn't
> getting full boost once and something was amiss, until I tried it.
> >I'd like to pull the codes but not sure on how to do
> >it there are 3 connectors under the driver side panel
> >but I don't have the special connector to run the
> >codes
> 200's have the slot on the FPR, but it doesn't dump the codes.  See
> SJM's site for the pinout on those 3 connectors down below; you can
> hook up a test lamp and jumper two terminals to get the codes.  If
> the bulb is in the dash, basically, you just need a small piece of
> wire(paper clip will do in a pinch, BTDT :-)
> >  I've all so noticed that the check light doesn't come
> >on rite before start up so I probley don't have a bulb
> >behind the IP for it but I do have to change a few
> >light bulbs in there so It would need to come out
> >anyways
> Only California cars had the check engine bulb installed.
> >  besides unhooking the batterie ground strap what else
> >should I do to get the air bag from not going off when
> >I take the wheel off any input?
> Taking the wheel off...hmm.  Probably does make things easier :-)
> It is a -major- PITA to get the cluster in+out without removing the
> wheel, but it can be done...after a lot of cussin' and fussin'.
> BTDT, 3 times, and it's still not "easy" for me.
> HTH!
> Brett

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