'87 4kcsq - trouble starting.

James at ringsperformance.com James at ringsperformance.com
Sun Apr 28 17:21:37 EDT 2002

> When I tried to start my car today, it didn't...
> turn the key to on, everything seems normal, turn it to start, and
> everything shuts off.
> I can hear the solenoid kick over.
> Wait a bit, and all the electrics come back on.  Try to start it,
> everything shuts off.
> Repeat.
> Disconnected the battery, let it sit a while, reconnected it, and it
> started fine.  This has happened a couple times now.  The first few I
> counted as anomalies, but today it made me late.  That counts as a
> Any ideas what the problem might be?

You need to clean the terminals where the cables attach to the battery.

cu, James Marriott
'84 4kq beater, 217k, for sale (BUY IT!)
'87 4kq (alias "late-B2 90q") with rare ersatz NG engine, 184k
'89 200q (MC1, ProconTen/no bag, 1.8 blah blah), 142k
Boise, ID, USA     http://www.webpak.net/~marriott/

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