86 5KCS Sudden Death

Steve Sherman spsherm at attglobal.net
Sun Apr 28 21:26:12 EDT 2002

Thanks to all who offered opinions....

In thinking about it, the water pump takes out timing belt scenario did occur to me, but only
after I had used the starter to move the car to the side of the road and found the wateer
leak.  In hindsite, undoubtably not the best idea, but probably no worse than the cranking to
try and start it I did right after it first died....

I don't recall hearing any odd noises as the engine died.  And I had not seen the source of
the leak until I was stuck on the side of the road.  The dying was an occassional stumble,
like one cyl not firing,  that grew worse over the next mile or so.  I would think (maybe
hope) that a slipped belt would be rather obvious, noise-wise, as valves meet pistons, and not
such a gradual thing. At least the one other engine that did slip the timing chains, made
things very obvious and would not even crank, as a valve lodged in a piston.  But time will
tell here.

Given the possibility of major repairs (which I do not think I would have a shop do) I think I
will try to tow it back home the 1/2 mile myself (with the help of a neighbor).  Take a look
at it from the driveway and go from there....

Given that this engine has been cranked some, can I assume that whatever timing belt related
damage has been done? (That is if the timing belt seems to be in good shape, would it be safe
to try doing a compression test, or could more damage result) And any comments on noise etc
when the timing belts do slip or break?  Anyone with the unfortunate experience on these care
to comment?

Thanks again.

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