Wideband O2 or EGT for max tuning?

Orin Eman orin at drizzle.com
Mon Apr 29 14:10:50 EDT 2002

More like a war on the diy-efi list.

Scale of the WB sensors is at the whim of the designer and most
certainly does not match that of a normal sensor.

You could take a look at:


but be _sure_ you understand the user agreement.

There is also www.egortech.com for a commercial version
which resulted from the first attempt at doing this on the diy-efi list.


> AFAIK the wide-band sensors work on a 0-5v scale, whereas the 'normal' O2
> sensors are in the 0-1v-ish range. So no, unless you have a special gauge (
> and I think some sort of driver is needed to make the sensor work properly)
> then no it will not work with your standard gauge. I too am starting to look
> into this. Tuning with a hit or miss O2 sensor really doesn't bode well with
> me. I'll let you know what I turn up. If I recall there was some talk of
> using these on the diy-efi lists, hmm, I'll hafta have a looksee...
> -Nate
> '89 90tq
> www.newtsplace.com/90tq
> > In my never-ending quest not to blow up my current
> > motor, I want to get one of the above.  I want to make
> > sure I'm not getting any false readings form my
> > standard O2 sensor that would be causing a lean
> > condition.
> >
> > Will a wideband O2 sensor work with a standard mixture
> > gauge like the Autometer?
> >
> > Any BTDT?
> >
> > Thanks,
> >
> > =====
> > Jim Green

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