DAMMIT! Center diff casing failure

Mihnea Cotet mik at info.fundp.ac.be
Thu Aug 1 11:23:22 EDT 2002

Fellow listers,

This morning while cruising with my recently 3B-converted coupe quattro on
my way to a mechanic's to have my Scorpion exhaust installed my car's
center diff casing EXPLODED!!!
Yep, a huge explosion noise and afterwards some pieces of metal running
underneath the car... I immediately stopped and went back by foot to check
what broke and found some pieces of metal on the road smelling a lot like
tranny oil... so after inspection, the center diff's casing was open,
showing its inside...

I limped back home for 15 kms at about 30 km/h (impossible to do more than
35 km/h otherwise everything seemed to be wanting to explode) and here I am
with a broken center diff casing, wondering why the hell it broke....

Has anyone BTBrokeThat? Could excessive torque (like 1.4 Bar overboost
pressure in 5th) cause such a failure?

Thanks for your answers in advance,

Mihnea :(

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