Bizarre behavior: no start 20v200 avant

Chris Semple chris at
Fri Aug 2 16:41:29 EDT 2002

> -----Original Message-----
> From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
> Behalf Of cobram at

> The two times I've come across type 44 wipers blowing fuses,
> it was due to incorrectly routed wires.  If the wiper mechanism is
> installed under the wires it will rub on them enough to eat away the
> insulation and blow the fuse.

I'll add that I've had a couple wagons that blew wiper fuses because the
*rear* wiper motor had an internal short or wiring issue at the hatch.
Unplug rear wiper and retest system, as I recall it's a continually powered

Chris Semple
Concord NH
'91 200tqa
   '88 5000tqa

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