ALLROAD detailing questions...

TM t44tq at
Fri Aug 2 18:26:27 EDT 2002

Congrats on the allroad!

For the bumpers and fender trim, I'd go with something like Vinylex or
303 Protectant,
test somewhere inconspicuous first to see how it goes.

I like Lexol for leather- the cleaner and the conditioner, use both to
keep the leather
nice. Helps to have the car hot when you apply- summertime is always
good for that. Apply
in excess, let it sit for a few hours, then wipe clean with a clean
cotton towel.

If the roof is not waxable, maybe Vinylex for it as well- has some UV
inhibitors to keep
plastic in decent shape, not as greasy as Armor-All.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at] On
Behalf Of RM
Sent: Friday, August 02, 2002 4:00 PM
To: Quattro List
Cc: waves at
Subject: ALLROAD detailing questions...

I need some tips on detailing my new Allroad. It seems this car defies
typical logic when itcomes to keeping it clean.

#1 The paint will get Maquires, but what about that flat black roof?
What to use there? Dealer said no wax!

#2 how about the plastic, flat black bumpers and fender trim? I'm not
worried about keeping it clean, just keeping it protected and pretty.

#3 I've never had a decent car with leather before, what's the trick
crap to keep it nice?

Thanks in advance!!!

Rolf Mair

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