Why don't you throw the bums out?

Mike Arman armanmik at n-jcenter.com
Mon Aug 5 09:13:26 EDT 2002

>From: Per Lindgren <lindgre at online.no>
>To: ccohen5 <ccohen5 at compuserve.com>
>Cc: qlist <quattro at audifans.com>
>Subject: Re: Avant = Delivery van?
>ccohen5 wrote:
>>Someone on the list mentioned that in Norway the Avant can be registered as
>>a commercial vehicle presumably for a tax break.
>The key word here is *could* be. About 17 months ago, the regulations
>were tightened. The reason for this was because we have hefty taxes
>here, many people bought delivery vans even though they didn't use it to
>fill it up with goods or stuff, just as a regular daily driver. Now, the
>people that control taxes and stuff in this country felt quite clever
>one day. They thought that if they altered the specs to have a car
>registered as a delivery, they could get more money because these people
>would have to buy a new wagon or sedan instead of a cheaper delivery.
>And a carpenter or plumber didn't need to drive a round in an A6 Avant
>delivery or 528i delivery etc. So with a quick stroke with a pen, the
>specs were altered.

Per, I am going to assume (yeah, I know that's dangerous!) that Mr. and
Mrs. Everyday Norwegian have SOME input into the local government and the
tax policies thereof. If the result of the Norwegian road tax is that
everyone has to drive old, unreliable, less safe cars because nobody can
afford new cars due to the taxes, why doesn't the automotive public get
together and throw the bums out of office!

"We are sick and damn tired of driving junky old cars because of your high
taxes, and unless you cut the crap, we'll elect people to the government
who will change the taxes and fire you as well!"

"Vote for me and drive a new car!" would probably play well, too.

Worked for us - that's why we're not a British colony any more!  ;-)

Best Regards,

Mike Arman

>A new car can pretty easy cost some 300%  or more here, compared to what
>they do in Germany or USA. A little example: Audi A4 3.0q costs 35180
>Euro in Germany. In Norway, the same car costs 80000 Euro (approx.). A
>Chevy Corvette starts at $42350 in USA. In Norway, the same car costs
>(hold on to your hair!) $170000. All prices are MSRP or ISRP.

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