1984 4ktq 1/4 mile time

alan pritchard alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net
Tue Aug 6 01:04:39 EDT 2002

Hmm ,im a bit sceptical about the accuracy of those gadgets, my coupe gt did
16.5 secs at 85 mph if i recall, dunno how that compares.....
----- Original Message -----
From: <blarson at Zeiss.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Monday, August 05, 2002 11:49 PM
Subject: 1984 4ktq 1/4 mile time

> A local Twin cities friend just did the first g-tech pro 1/4 mile run with
> his 1984 4000 turbo quattro.  The 1986 5kcstq motor in it has 208,000
> miles, and only had the timing belt and water pump replaced before
> swapping, it is not chipped yet, and the intercooler is not yet installed.
> How does 15.1 seconds at 95 miles per hour grab you (in the rain)!  I cant
> wait to see how fast it is once the QLCC chip gets installed, and the
> intercooler is in the car.  BTW, the ambient temp was between 65 and 70
> degrees F.
> Just a baseline to show how fast these cars can be.

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