quattro digest, Vol 1 #3771 - clunking 4KQ

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Mon Aug 5 10:50:14 EDT 2002


Likely to be the lower control arm bushings (there are 8 possible
locations, two at each
corner). This was common in at least my NY Rt 17 abused (it wasn't in the
driving, it
was in Rt 17) 4KQ, as I had a 120 mi/day commute on the truck worn road.
not too expensive to replace. Do the job (I think it's in the archives if
you are mechanically
inclined) and have the car aligned. If one set is going, do all four,
you'd be absolutelyy amazed
at the handling improvement. Otherwise go through the list that Huw


> From: "Aaron Sherrick" <aaron at eurekalubricants.com>
> To: "Quattro List" <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: 4kq clunking
> Date: Sun, 4 Aug 2002 21:43:09 -0400
> My beloved 4kq has been exhibiting some clunking noises from
> underneath.  It
> started to happen occasionally (like when I would corner hard or
> something),
> and it wasn't that loud.  Now, it happens all the time.  The
> clunking sound
> happens on nearly any weight transition (fore, aft, right side, left
> side).
> If I'm stopped, and I give the car a moderate amount of gas I'll get
> a
> clunk.  When I'm driving, and I let off the gas to decelerate I'll
> get a
> clunk.  Practically any time I corner I'll get a clunk.  It's hard
> to pin
> point where the noise is coming from.  It sounds like it's in the
> front
> suspension, possibly on the passenger side.  One of friends (who is
> more
> knowledgeable than I) suggested it might be a CV joint on its way
> out.  Any
> ideas?  I'm really afraid the car is going to let me sit somewhere.
> Aaron
> '86 4kq
> www.lehigh.edu/~amsk

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