Dying 5k

David.Ullrich at ferguson.com David.Ullrich at ferguson.com
Tue Aug 6 11:46:24 EDT 2002

When was the last full tune up? Plugs, wires, cap & rotor? Also, have you tried running some good fuel system cleaner (lie Techron)?


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-----Original Message-----
From: pflynn11 at juno.com [mailto:pflynn11 at juno.com]
Sent: Tuesday, August 06, 2002 10:24 AM
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: Dying 5k

hello all,
patient is an 86 5k with approx. 145k on the clock. The symptoms: when
you step on the gas pedal there is no
power, it eventually will get up to speed but not after considerable
hesitation. The fuel pump was replaced a few years back but it has been
humming happily away for the past year or so. could this be vacuum
related or should i
start with the fuel system?

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