cis pressure guage

Graham Thackrah gthack at
Tue Aug 6 17:39:02 EDT 2002

Hi Brian,

JC Whitney do one, for about 60 dollars I think.

Should do it IIRC. Fitted my UK 85 90q (US 4kq) fine. Sometimes helps to
have a few new `o' rings for it too, I get the odd leak after using it a
few times on the same `o' rings, usually at the metering head, not nice.

It costs a lot to import it to the UK, but even though it cost twice
as many pounds sterling as the US cost in dollars (about 120 sterling), it
was still cheaper than the cheapest fuel pressure guage I could find at
the time in the UK! *If* you are in the UK I've since found out that Sykes
Pickevant do a guage kit, for about 400 quid, but if you speak to your
tool factor nicely they can split it I think, and as you only want it to
fit Audi's (?) the guage and required fittings come to about the same as
importing the JC Whitney guage, but the SP one is *much* higher quality,
looks quite similar to the one used in the Probst Bosch FI book, has a
rubber surround to the guage to resist the inevitable knocks.

If SP sell in the US, may be worth trying to find somewhere that'll do
just the guage and required fittings out there, it looks a nicer bit of
kit than the JC Whitney guage. Don't know how the price would compare



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