Much help needed - typ. 89 headlights
alan pritchard
alanthecelt at
Wed Aug 7 01:31:14 EDT 2002
Thanks huw, ive looked further now, the next thing i did was to get to
measure accross the fuse, in side light position i had 300 mv, when switched
to normal lights i got no voltage. So i then popped the back of the switch,
the first thing i noticed is that the top right socket on the connector had
got rather hot at some point. i then tested for continuity from every pin to
the fuse socket and got nothing, i dont know if this is usual or not though
with the diagnostic thingy there (incidently when i pulled the fuse it told
me i had a headlight out, if that helps).
So whats next??
Has anyone got the relevant circuit diagram they could send please?
Thx again
----- Original Message -----
From: "Huw Powell" <human747 at>
To: "alan pritchard" <alanthecelt at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Sent: Saturday, August 03, 2002 12:17 AM
Subject: Re: Much help needed - typ. 89 headlights
> sorry, should have replied last time you asked, though the details are
> better this time... leading to at least a wild guess. I would check the
> quality of the grounds if I were you - at the bulbs. There are no
> relays for the lights, but there is a comparator thing that will tell
> you if a bulb is dead, this can be jumpered for testing...
> alan pritchard wrote:
> >
> > Hi guys, for the past few weeks/months i have apparantly not driven in
> > dark, last night i noticed that i had no useful light coming from my
> > headlights, when i looked on normal beam only the small side light bulbs
> > were working, however, when i put the column switch down to side lights
> > get both the side light bulb, and a very dim main bulb (just enough to
> > with in built up areas). When the switch is put back to the top
> > and i flip the lights to high beam, the seperate high beam comes on, and
> > main beam bulb lights up to full brightness. This is very weird........
> > So things ive checked......
> > first thing was to change the bulb - no difference
> > Check fuses, as i recall fuse 15+16 (rated 10 amps) visibly seem ok,
> > have checked the lights with the fuses out thinking about it
> > I looked for relays for the headlights, but none were listed under the
> > bonnet, i know theres some under the dash, but dont know what for
> >
> > Thanks guys
> --
> Huw Powell
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