108mm to 100mm conversion....

alan pritchard alanthecelt at alanthecelt.screaming.net
Wed Aug 7 01:51:43 EDT 2002

Hmm, I found a whell fitment guide once on the internet, hit google, and yes
the only usable wheels that came up were ford, however i believe the centre
taper that fits over the centre of the hub is a different diameter, and as i
understand it that is extremely importan as the studs are not designed to
take all the load by themselves (as i recall you would need a 2mm thick
tapered tube). As far as offsets go i think the use greater offsets than the
audi et45 (i think they were et35's) which, i believe, if carefully chosen
would not cause much of a problem ( i used et37 on my cgt on 205 rubber with
only minor chafing on the rear).
All this info has been extracted from my head, late at night, so confirm it
----- Original Message -----
From: <KMracer007 at aol.com>
To: <quattro at audifans.com>
Sent: Wednesday, August 07, 2002 12:35 AM
Subject: Re: 108mm to 100mm conversion....

Dont forget all the old school fords too , fiesta , cortina , pinto , capri
, escort. Also the mustang through the later 80's used the same bolt
pattern. Chances are you should be able to find a wheel you like in 4x108mm.
Also , if you did want to change the hubs , The family album says they use
different wheel bearings......


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