Lime Rock Park Vintage Festival

Brett Dikeman brett at
Tue Aug 6 23:08:18 EDT 2002


The Northeast region of the ACCNA(QCUSA) is working to participate at
the Lime Rock Vintage Festival- organized by Steve Earle, the very
same Steve Earle who started the Montery Historics, so it looks like
it will be one very worthwhile event....think Monterey, only East

Everything except lodging(thats up to you, varies- see below), gate
admissions($5) and possibly a group BBQ-style dinner($?) will be
free, the way it stands now.

After talking with the track, I'm trying to hammer out some details.
We're opening the event to all members of the Audi community, odd AND
even cylinder cars, new and old :-)

Here's the one hiccup: in order to get your car parked on the track
on display, you have to be there early in the morning: 8:30 or so.
We will have corral parking accessible all day, so its not an
all-or-nothing arrangement...Both parking will be available to
-anyone- with an Audi- Lime Rock Park asked us to get as many cars
parked on the track as possible, they want to FILL the entire track
as much as possible(to that end they're starting with 40 Shelby
Cobras :-)

For most folks, 8:30 probably means staying the night somewhere close
by.  So, I'm trying to make it more worthwhile.  There are much more
tentative plans for a social/car wash Saturday afternoon, informal
concours late afternoon(open to ALL, informal "judging" by your
peers- exterior, interior, and engine compartment only), and a group
dinner Saturday night, probably an outdoor BBQ-all of it will most
likely be on the club(dinner might end up being $10/person or
something like that, I have to find out how much its going to cost,
clear it with the board, etc- NO promises!)

   People would still be welcome to join us Sunday if they want.

Lodging is somewhat pricey in the area, but I noticed
Torrington(15-20 miles away) has a new big-chain hotel(days inn I
think) that was just built/rebuilt and is $70-100/night.  Rooms at
the Wake Robin Inn(under entirely new management and supposedly 1000x
better than it was a few years ago- its the preferred place of Skip
Barber schools for their own people now) will probably be around
$120-130/night, but I haven't called to talk to them yet(its a B&B;
rooms inside the mansion are slightly more expensive than rooms in
the motel-style building next to it.  A very nice breakfast is served
at any time in the AM, which would be nice for anyone staying.)

So!  Survey says!

a)if this whole thing goes off without a hitch, would you come for
the full shindig, or would you be coming Sunday only?  Would you come
for the car wash social, concours, dinner?

b)if yes to staying overnight, where would you probably end up
staying?(I will try to negotiate with both places, but need some
rough numbers.)

c)if you're only coming Sunday, would you either be able to get in
early enough(8:30am) to make it onto the track parking area, or would
you be joining us in our open-all-day Audi-only Corral?

d)how many of you would there be?  Please specify adult vs child #'s
if you can(families are by all means welcomed to this event- with
tons of old cars, looks like a great family event.)

I need answers back on this ASAP!  Please reply to me directly.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin

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