type 44 rag

cobram at juno.com cobram at juno.com
Wed Aug 7 23:25:28 EDT 2002

This came up on the list before. I was hoping to chop the top off the
5KS, might look something like this:
http://www.geocities.com/cobram1/Images/Conv44.jpg  and was trying to get
the top mechanism for the Faw version of the type 44 limousine:
http://www.faw.com.cn/yqjm/cp/images/best/CA7220a9el.jpg   or better yet
the convertible if they have one.

A V8Q lister has been in touch with the FAW company, but has not been
able to source any parts of this nature yet.

There have been several type 44 convertible sightings over the years,
most likely all professional chops from the left coast.


On Sun, 4 Aug 2002 16:08:20 -0400 "Pat Dooley" <pdooley at gte.net> writes:
> I can't give my 86 5kt away, had it in the flyer for $300, only one
> person came out to see it.  He kicked the tires and went home.
> So as I walk past this thing in my backyard every day I wonder, what
> would this look like as a convertible?
> Has anybody ever done one?
> I was thinking about the Volkswagen "thing" approach, with high door
> sills to strengthen the frame.  Cut the doors off halfway down, weld
> in place to get some of the structural integrity back lost from cutting
> the roof.
> I could weld some sheet metal caps on the jagged cut-off doors to
> keep my passengers safe entering/exiting.
> Maybe even stick a long metal tube inside each of the doors
> running/welded
> long ways back to front to get some chassis stiffness back.
> From riding in things I remember getting in and out wasn't that bad,
> this
> would be pretty much the same.
> Would also eliminate some nagging problems - the power windows don't
> work,
> the AC is broken, sunroof won't open, and of course, no more door
> handles to
> worry about:)

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