NAC: France trip

ed armstrong edshred2000 at
Thu Aug 8 15:46:19 EDT 2002


I just did the europe thingy. Rented a Seat Leon TDI
in Biarritz, France and returned 12 days later in
Paris after driving more than 3000 km. I think I paid
around 660 euros. This included 250 km/day and full

I probably could have done cheaper if I shopped before
I left but I think I did OK. I rented with Hertz. What
I liked over there was that they did not have any
problem with me returning the car anywhere in France.
There was no extra charge.

TDI is the best compromise between fuel and power by
the way.

Bon voyage !

--- "Mark L. Chang" <mchang at> wrote:
> Well, things are moving along finally with France
> trip planning. Now, I
> need to rent a car. Any suggestions on web sites to
> hit, or companies to
> call? Thrifty and Avis seem big. Need someone that
> serves the south of
> France.
> Mark
> --
> | |


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