more boost - EGT

Carolan, James CarolanJR at
Fri Aug 9 13:14:00 EDT 2002

I think maybe the reason the water temp is still cool but the oil temp is up
might be the turbo dumping heat in the oil rather than the cylinders. I
assume these cars us engine oil to cool the turbo and not coolant as well.


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-request at [mailto:quattro-request at]
Sent: Thursday, August 08, 2002 6:21 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3801 - 15 msgs

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Today's Topics:

   1. rear door lock/latch mechanism? 87 4kq (Luke Rickert)
   2. Re:Quick? Question (Brett Dikeman)
   3. Re:Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs (timofej.crift at
   4. RE:Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs (Bernard Littau)
   5. Re:Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs (George Selby)
   6. Exhaust/performance question (Zsolt Kovacs)
   7. 4ktq brake upgrade opinions (Eddy Mattice)
   8. Re:CIS injector parts question (5ktq) (ed armstrong)
   9. Re:Making up the gap on a total loss?
(Eric_R_Kissell at
  10. re: Tire recommendations (Roger M. Woodbury)
  11. Re:Quick? Question (Eric_R_Kissell at
  12. Re:NAC: France trip (ed armstrong)
  13. RE:more BOOOOST! (james accordino)
  14. Re:Inhaling and Exhaling... (JShadzi at
  15. RE:more BOOOOST! (JShadzi at


Message: 1
From: "Luke Rickert" <lr at>
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 102 13:01:45 -0700
To: quattro at
Reply-To: rickert at
Subject: rear door lock/latch mechanism? 87 4kq

Of all the possible topics, I thought something connected to broken door ha=
ndles would be covered widely in the archives, anyway here goes.

The problem (on an 87 4kq)is with the rear passenger side door which has ne=
ver worked right  (two years and 4 handles)

Today I pulled the latch mechanism off the door, soaked it in solvent and t=
hen re-lubed it, pulled the door panel out and checked out all the guts I c=
ould find. As far as I can tell everything is properly lubed and this been =
the least used door, should not be worn out?

Anyway it still has the same problems where after the door is locked and un=
locked, by the power locks, it may or may not open from either side. You ca=
n pull the inside handle and hear a click, but sometimes the latch does not=
release. I had to pull the panel off with the door closed (not fun) and ma=
nually work the lever for the outside handle to get the door open because t=
he outside handle was jammed. Another strange thing is that sometimes when =
you use the inner handle, the latch only partially releases and the lock kn=
ob comes down a bit. In these cases if you hold the lock knob up while work=
ing the inner handle the door will open fine. Once the door has been opened=
and not re-locked it generally works OK. I can=92t find any thing that is =
adjustable in the system other than bending linkages to change their length=
s=2E I suppose there could still be something sticking in the latch mechani=
sm, should I find another one or is there something else I can try? I don=
=92t usually haul that many people in the car, but it is still nice to have=
all four of your doors functional. Since the front doors never give me tro=
uble maybe I should get some seats that lean forward out of a coupe.



Luke Rickert
Sent by Mail at, an easyGroup company.


Message: 2
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:07:51 -0400
To: <david at>, quattro at
From: Brett Dikeman <brett at>
Subject: Re: Quick? Question

At 12:16 PM -0700 8/8/02, David Manz  wrote:
>I am sorry it this appears to be an asinine question. I am confused by
>the interchange of type XX and series model YYYY. And I know all REAL
>audi enthusiasts know the types by heart. So  help me out ;-)
>Type 44 =aka=  5000 (year range?)

Technically, its actually the C3 body.

"They that give up essential liberty to obtain temporary
safety deserve neither liberty nor safety." - Ben Franklin


Message: 3
From: timofej.crift at
To: "scott thomas" <scott at>
Cc: gselby4x4 at, quattro at
Subject: Re: Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 20:31:58 +0000

I have to chime in on this.  I did not read anything in George's post that
was offensive.  He was only providing info on what he thought were the
facts.  From reading your posts, it was not clear that the car was bought
new, and George issued commentary assuming the car was recently bought used.
Also, I would not expect much more than BB from an insurance company unless
you can provide reciepts for aftermarket upgrades (these should also be
included on your policy).  Insurance companies are not in the business of
underwriting depreciation.


'84 CGT
'95 90
'99 A8
> I do think your words are quite offensive.


Message: 4
From: "Bernard Littau" <bernardl at>
To: "scott thomas" <scott at>,
	<gselby4x4 at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Subject: RE: Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 13:32:44 -0700

Hi Scott,

Now to be fair here, I think a lot of us assumed when you wrote your friend
paid 33K+ for the car there was an implication that that was a very recent

>> She paid $33K+ for it, along with a long list of
>> recent warrantee work.

If you friend had indeed paid 33K+ very recently for the car, plus all that
other stuff, then "stupidity" was a very mild term.

Now, if the 33K+ was paid three years ago when the car was new, then the
difference clearly is depreciation, and you eat that.  Have you been
following the thread on "Re: neat stuff at the local dealer" dealing with A8

In light of this, George did give you some valuable information. A top notch
example, which your friends car sure sounds like, should be worth $23925.
This is the number you should try and get from the insurance.


Bernard Littau
Woodinville, WA
'88 5ktq

> I do think your words are quite offensive. It
> was not her stupidity for paying for repairs.
> The car was in perfect condition. The headlights
> were stolen, insurance paid $4,200 for the
> repairs to the front end. The navigation system
> developed glitches. Replaced under warranty. The
> rotors were warping. Replaced under warranty.
> 30k mile service done to the tune of $500,
> including flushing and replacing of all fluids,
> performing an recall work, repairing a loose
> window. Tires replaced with new ones, One new
> wheel. So, $500 for a comprehensive check over,
> tuning, fluid replacement, tire and wheel, OH,
> and alignment seems not too bad now.
> I think you should choose your words carefully
> and not attack other listers on
> their "stupidity" when you probably have some
> events to speak of in your past.
> Incidentally, the work done was by a dealer.
> This ended up allowing for more to be made on
> the claim.
> I have no idea what you're talking about
> regarding the car not being in perfect
> condition. It's a 30k mile Acura driven by a
> conservative female its entire life.
> Maybe you should read closer and realize that
> she bought the car new. You assume people on the
> list are stupid.
> She didn't finance. they paid cash, in full.
> ---- Begin Original Message ----
> From: George Selby <gselby4x4 at>
> Sent: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 15:08:35 -0400
> To: quattro at
> Subject: Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11
> msgs
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> At 01:45 PM 8/8/02, you wrote:
> >Her car is a 99 Acura Tl with navigation. The
> >car is considered a total loss with $17k+ in
> >damage. Before the claim was filed with the
> >other insurance co., her insurer offered $21k.
> >She paid $33K+ for it, along with a long list of
> >recent warrantee work. A new navigation system
> >(1 1/2 weeks old), new brakes all around, new
> >headlights and front bumper( those HID'S get
> >stolen like crazy), paint work, $500+ in tune up
> >work, new tires and wheels, and low miles; 30k.
> >How do we recover the gap between what we paid
> >and what we're going to get? Do we have to sue
> >the other guy or his insurance company? He's
> >totally screwed in this matter. Still hasn't
> >picked his truck up from the storage yard two
> >weeks later. I doubt we'll get an offer over
> >22k, so how shall we treat this? Not accept the
> >offer and deal on it?
> I just went to, and the retail price for
> your friends car (that's
> the price you would expect to pay if you bought
> the car used from a dealer,
> and including every option) is only
> $23,925. =A0This price is for a car in
> perfect condition (that's what the blue book
> value is, basically is the
> absolute most you should pay for a used car,) so
> all the stuff you mention
> is included in the price, including the 30,000
> miles. =A0People who pay KBB
> retail expect good tires, brakes, the headlights
> to be in the car, and
> shiny paint on an intact bumper. =A0Cars in the
> condition you claim shouldn't
> need $500 in tune-ups and a bunch of warranty
> work.
> I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but your
> friend got raked over the
> coals in this deal (I use this term loosely,) to
> the tune of about $10k.
> The seller is laughing all the way to the bank.
> The KBB retail on a 2001 TL
> (with 10k miles) is only 31K.
> So, the insurance company isn't going to pay for
> your friends stupidity. I
> would get a lawyer. =A0This is getting over your
> head. =A0I assume there was
> some bodily injury in this accident (at least
> aches and pains.) =A0Usually
> the lawyer who does the personal injury will
> take care of your car
> settlement for nothing, getting paid out of his
> third of the injury settlement.
> BTW, one of the options offered during the
> financing portion of a car
> purchase is Gap insurance. =A0It covers your
> friend's current dilemma.
> George Selby
> 83 Audi Coupe GT
> gselby4x4 at
> --
> ---- End Original Message ----
> The Official Dream Theater Site -
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Message: 5
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 16:37:06 -0400
To: "scott thomas" <scott at>
From: George Selby <gselby4x4 at>
Subject: Re: Re: quattro digest, Vol 1 #3797 - 11 msgs
Cc: quattro at

At 03:40 PM 8/8/02, you wrote:
>I think you should choose your words carefully
>and not attack other listers on
>their "stupidity" when you probably have some
>events to speak of in your past.
>Incidentally, the work done was by a dealer.
>This ended up allowing for more to be made on
>the claim.
>I have no idea what you're talking about
>regarding the car not being in perfect
>condition. It's a 30k mile Acura driven by a
>conservative female its entire life.
>Maybe you should read closer and realize that
>she bought the car new. You assume people on the
>list are stupid.
>She didn't finance. they paid cash, in full.

 From what I understood, the Acura was just purchased, my fault for the
misunderstanding.  That, however make's his questions even more
questionable.  He wants the full price he paid new ($33,000) for a 3 year
old car.  Of course he isn't going to get that. That's how I read the post.

 From how I understood the statement, it sounded like all the work done to
the car was paid for out of pocket.  Because it was all warranty work, it
basically doesn't matter as far as the value of the car goes.  THe car was
damaged/broken, the dealer returned it to working condition.  As to the
30,000 miles service, the post said tune-up, that to me implies poor
running.  So the description of a poor running car with a repainted front
end due to headlight theft didn't sound like a car in perfect condition.
Now that the whole story is in the light, it sounds much better.  What does
being the car being female owned have to do with anything?  As you saying
men aren't capable of cleaning or taking care of their their cars?  This is
a sexist comment, and I am offended.

However: I apologize for calling the person stupid, as I was obviously (by
my statement) not in full awareness of the situation.

I have, in fact, done stupid things in the past, and generally don't mind
being called on it.

I try not to assume anything.  In fact I assume the people on this list are
quite bright, because they have the sense to own Audis.

George Selby
83 Audi Coupe GT
gselby4x4 at

PS:  As a sidebar, doesn't the NAV system glitches confirm some of my
previous posts on the topic, it only made it 30k miles before the whole
$4500 unit had to be replaced.  What are you going to do at 75k miles when
it is out of warranty and the same symptoms start happening?


Message: 6
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 14:47:54 -0600
From: Zsolt Kovacs <zsolt1 at>
Cc: quattro at
Subject: Exhaust/performance question

I know some of you have changed your exhaust on your turbo charged 5k-200. I
was hoping to get some answers from those who have done so.

I am considering taking the cat out of my 88 5k tq, since it is not illegal
here in Alberta, and I am wondering what kind of a performance increase it
would get me (if any) by doing that. Since I'm at it I was also wondering
how much more performance I'd get if I changed the entire exhaust to a
larger diameter more free flow system. Where would I see improvement?



Message: 7
From: "Eddy Mattice" <eddymattice at>
To: quattro at
Subject: 4ktq brake upgrade opinions
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 16:50:26 -0400

Thought I would see what the collective wisdom had to say about this... Car
is a 86 4ktq, h+r's w/bilstein sports, 15" speedlines 205/50r15 tires about
to have 3" exhaust and some extra boost... I am really trying to avoid
swapping strut housings and everything... So is there any other options for
good brks on this car... w/o spending huge amounts of money or time???

86 4ktq
86 4kq
84 vw camper

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Message: 8
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:23:52 -0700 (PDT)
From: ed armstrong <edshred2000 at>
Subject: Re: CIS injector parts question (5ktq)
To: qshipaz at, quattro at


I just did the seals on my CIS injectors and was able
to roll the upper seal up and over the circlip. A
little silicon lubricant helped. I guess water would

--- qshipaz at wrote:
> Greetings Audinauts,
> The Hangar Queen ('86 5ktq) is getting attention in
> various areas- I have no idea what caused the
> no-start and loss of compression, but it runs as
> well as it did previously now (go figure). Or
> rather, it did till I pulled out fuel injectors with
> an eye to replacing the seals (I suspect a leak
> there given the faint fuel odor, odd idle
> characteristics, and emissions test failure). Took
> two trips but I now have the proper CIS injector
> O-rings, not ones they first sold me for some
> mystery EFI 5ktq (Javad, is that you??) What I don't
> have, though, is one of the circlips which hold the donut-like upper
> seal in place. It predictably shot off into the far reaches of the
> garage, and I can't find it. I haven't done the other injectors yet
> because I'm afraid of this phenomenon.
> So, does anyone:
> know if these are available separately? P/N?
> Have any they'd care to sell me? (I think enough for
> 4 engines could be mailed for 74c postage!)
> or, last resort, know definitively if the MC engine
> uses the same injectors as the NA 5K mill? Got two
> '84s and an '87 as close as the pull-yer-part!
> next time I pull one of those spring clips, I think
> I'll do it in the bathroom, with the drain shut
> (grin)- they're rocket propelled, I heard the clip
> hit concrete 10 feet away before it vanished...
> Regards,
> Rob
> Juno offers FREE or PREMIUM Internet access for
> less!
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Message: 9
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:30:53 -0400
From: Eric_R_Kissell at
Subject: Re: Making up the gap on a total loss?
To: quattro at, "scott thomas" <scott at>


Was the $33k what your friend paid new for the car in 1999 or was the car
purchased used for that price recently? When was the $33k actually spent?

If that was a recent used purchase, $33k seems on the high side. The $22k
the insurance company offered seems more like I would expect to pay for a
1999 Acura today.

The insurance company only has to replace the car at fair market value
today, not when she purchased the car. If she has a 1999 Acura she purchased
recently with $11k of improvements then I suggest she take the best
insurance company offer she can get and buy back the car at salvage value.
Then she can transfer the $11k worth of improvements from the old car to the
new one she gets for $22k.

Eric Kissell


Message: 10
From: "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at>
To: <bkwan at>
Cc: <quattro at>
Subject: re:  Tire recommendations
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 17:34:33 -0400

I used two sets of Firestone Firehawk LH Touring tires on my 200 Quattro
Avant.  They were absolutely superb in all weather, quiet, and very positive
on our Maine entertaining roads, as well as Interstate traveling. I changed
the first set at around 30,000 miles, as the tires were well past the half
worn point, and since I ran them all year round, the Quattro system likes to
have good, deep tread....gets rather strange acting in heavy sluch and much
less than half worn.

If the car had been in warmer climates, I could have seen about 50,000 all
purpose miles from a set.

Great bang for the buck.  When our current 100 CS Quattro Avant needs tires
next, that is what I will probably get again.



Message: 11
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 16:36:25 -0400
From: Eric_R_Kissell at
Subject: Re: Quick? Question
To: "David Manz " <david at>,
	"quattro list" <quattro at>

See the following:

IIRC, it shows everything you want.


Eric Kissell
______________________________ Reply Separator
_________________________________ "David Manz " <david at>
wrote: [snip]I am confused by the interchange of type XX and series model
YYYY. [snip]


Message: 12
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:46:19 -0700 (PDT)
From: ed armstrong <edshred2000 at>
Subject: Re: NAC: France trip
To: "Mark L. Chang" <mchang at>,
	quattro list <quattro at>, 20v list <audi20v at>


I just did the europe thingy. Rented a Seat Leon TDI
in Biarritz, France and returned 12 days later in
Paris after driving more than 3000 km. I think I paid
around 660 euros. This included 250 km/day and full

I probably could have done cheaper if I shopped before
I left but I think I did OK. I rented with Hertz. What
I liked over there was that they did not have any
problem with me returning the car anywhere in France.
There was no extra charge.

TDI is the best compromise between fuel and power by
the way.

Bon voyage !

--- "Mark L. Chang" <mchang at> wrote:
> Well, things are moving along finally with France
> trip planning. Now, I
> need to rent a car. Any suggestions on web sites to
> hit, or companies to
> call? Thrifty and Avis seem big. Need someone that
> serves the south of
> France.
> Mark
> --
> | |


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Message: 13
Date: Thu, 8 Aug 2002 14:49:55 -0700 (PDT)
From: james accordino <ssgacc at>
Subject: RE: more BOOOOST!
To: TM <t44tq at>
Cc: audi list <quattro at>

Ding.  I think we have a winner.  I saw a NASTYCAR
piston once.  Running like 14/1 compression and went
full lean as he ran out of gas at part throttle.
Looked like they used a cutting torch.  It burned a
hole clean through the dome.  Melted right through it.
 EGT's can really soar under part throttle/lean
conditions.  Totally off throttle is still hot but not
nearly so.

Jim Accordino

--- TM <t44tq at> wrote:
> Marc-
> Sounds to me like your car is running too lean at
> part throttle and your
> EGTs are soaring, hence the high oil temps.
> At WOT, you're going full rich and the fuel is
> cooling things down.
> Taka

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Message: 14
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 17:56:31 -0400
From: JShadzi at
To: bkaupp at (Benjamin Kaupp), Quattro at
Subject: Re: Inhaling and Exhaling...

>1) Intake... How much more power do I get with a full cold-air system
>than with just switching to a K&N (and how much actual improvement from
>the K&N?) And who produces cold-air systems for a 4kcsq (or do I get to
>make my own)?

No real gains to be had, the intake on those cars flows way more than the c=
am will ever allow.  I recommend going to a higher flow cam for probably th=
e best power gains in a NA 4kq.  Also, consider swapping in a 2.3 NG/NF bot=
tom end.

Of course, as others have mentioned, turbo conversion is the way to go.

>2) Exhaust... the Stebros at Blau look nice... is it true that you get
>6% more torque? (about... 8 more lb. ft.?)

Exhaust will pick you up about 5hp in the top end, especially with a good c=



Message: 15
Date: Thu, 08 Aug 2002 17:55:11 -0400
From: JShadzi at
To: ssgacc at (james accordino), t44tq at (TM)
Cc: quattro at (audi list)
Subject: RE: more BOOOOST!

If this is the case, how come its not reflecting at all in the water temps?


>Ding. =A0I think we have a winner. =A0I saw a NASTYCAR
>piston once. =A0Running like 14/1 compression and went
>full lean as he ran out of gas at part throttle.
>Looked like they used a cutting torch. =A0It burned a
>hole clean through the dome. =A0Melted right through it.
> EGT's can really soar under part throttle/lean
>conditions. =A0Totally off throttle is still hot but not nearly so.
>Jim Accordino
>--- TM <t44tq at> wrote:
>> Marc-
>> Sounds to me like your car is running too lean at
>> part throttle and your
>> EGTs are soaring, hence the high oil temps.
>> At WOT, you're going full rich and the fuel is
>> cooling things down.
>> Taka
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