Zygmunt motors/bimmerparts.com: AVOID

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 9 14:52:31 EDT 2002

Brett, I very much appreciate what Scott has done with
his website.  I've printed off the entire
troubleshooting portion and use it often in conjuction
with the Bentley.  That being said, you're on the east
coast right?  New York, I believe.  I have used
Megaparts.com.  No affiliation, I don't even know this
guy.  But, his prices are really low.  Even Rod asked
me "How can he be selling that so cheap?"  I don't
know and really don't care.  The parts are always as
advertised.(OEM)  The order is always billed and
delivered correctly.  AND, here's the big one.
Usually I get the parts the second day.  A few times
when I called in the morning, I got them the next
afternoon.  This can really be important sometimes.
Again, just a satisfied customer.  When I have bought
parts from the west coast (TPC or IPS) they usually
take at least 4 days.  Still a very satisfying
experience, it just takes longer.

Jim Accordino

--- Brett Dikeman <brett at cloud9.net> wrote:
> Two weeks ago, I ordered a michelin man hose.  It
> still hasn't come.
big snip

> Where is my business going to go from now on for
> these kinds of
> parts?  To Scott Mockrey, fellow lister, who also
> distributes for
> WorldPac.  Scott has asked me to mention that he'd

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