more boost - EGT

james accordino ssgacc at
Fri Aug 9 16:38:34 EDT 2002

NOT trying to be a d*ck, but I think you just answered
you're own question.  You said the turbo dumps heat
into the water.  How can you have a cherry red turbo
and normal water temps?   Cause the water looses the
heat to every other part it comes in contact with.
Plus it has a hugh heat sink capability.  The only
time I ever saw high water temps was a direct result
of the AC condenser.

Jim Accordino

--- JShadzi at wrote:
> Nope, water cooled fact, the
> manufacturers will tell you that turbos are either
> air cooled or water cooled, the oil is for
> lubrication.  Granted, it does pick up a great deal
> of heat, and thus the need for an oil cooler - but
> the oil itself does less to cool the turbo than say
> a water jacket, which is picking up a lot of heat.
> Javad
> In a message dated Fri, 9 Aug 2002 11:14:00 AM
> Eastern Standard Time, "Carolan, James"
> <CarolanJR at> writes:
> >I think maybe the reason the water temp is still
> cool but the oil temp is up
> >might be the turbo dumping heat in the oil rather
> than the cylinders. I
> >assume these cars us engine oil to cool the turbo
> and not coolant as well.
> >
> >James
> >

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