Oil Filters quattro digest, Vol 1 #3810 - 16 msgs

Suffolk GameServer LAN suffolk.associates at verizon.net
Sat Aug 10 02:36:01 EDT 2002

Not quite the answer your looking for but food for thought:
-Scott in BOSTON

1. Oil changer guy forgot to use my Mahle filter (grrr...) But he said
that the specs for the one he uses is exactly the same. Hm. He said it's
by Purolator. I don't believe him. Could it be that P makes a OEM-ish
>2. I have a lic. plate bulb and 1 rr lamp bulb out. Are there 'preferred'
> brand bulbs for replacement, or is my FLAPS' bulbs ok?
>3. Just to verify, when refilling my tranny/diff oil, it has to be GL4

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