oil cooler/oil filter hsng hose fittings

Aalok Kacha aalok at uchicago.edu
Sun Aug 11 20:51:42 EDT 2002

Hoerr Racing has good prices on Fluidyne oil coolers. The Fluidyne website
is hard to navigate, but you can download a PDF catalog which will list the
sizes of their various oil coolers. I think I paid around $130 for a ~8x11
core (around 25 rows, I don't remember exactly). I know that the cooler I
bought was available with both -8 & -10 fittings.

The fittings & hose are expensive everywhere. I found mine locally for
roughly the same price as all of the catalogs I checked. The Aeroquip brand
fittings are not the cutter type which are supposed to be like the ones
actually used on aircraft, the other brands like Earls, Goodridge, & XRP are
visibly different than the Aeroquip. I doubt it makes any difference, but
this is what I read when I was doing the oil cooler (I bought Aeroquip
fittings and ended up using XRP because I needed a different angle than I
first thought).



On 8/10/02 11:38 AM, "Ameer Antar" <antar at attbi.com> wrote:

> thanks for the info Javad and Jim. I found the fitting in the aeroquip
> catalog. But I'd also like to know where to get oil coolers and these
> aeroquip fittings. I've been hunting online for a while and I can only find
> a few places, but they're all more expensive than the catalogs I have at
> home. I can get a 13-row oil cooler for $99 for the MGB from the
> over-priced Moss catalog. This is the aircraft aluminum type oil cooler,
> not the cheap coil-type oil cooler. I know a few wholesalers that can get a
> much better price too, but it probably has British fittings as it's for the
> standard MGB hoses. I'd like one w/ regular flare (~ 8AN) fittings so I can
> buy some fancy "racing" hose. The ones I can find are all over $100. Please
> send links. Also are there racer wholesale shops that would have them and
> those aeroquip fittings? Where did you guys go? Thanks a bunch.
> -ameer
> At 11:13 AM 8/9/2002, you wrote:
>> Yes, the female threads in the housing are 18x1.5mm, Aeroquip makes a to
>> -10 adaptor, 2bennett stocks them I believe.  What I used, from the -10
>> there is a world of possibility  =)
>> Javad

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