Insurance (was Hood)
james accordino
ssgacc at
Mon Aug 12 16:14:41 EDT 2002
That's my experience as well. Whether we're talking
PA or NJ, the minimum required coverage is dirt cheap.
Comp. is nearly $1000. to more than $2000. more per
year per vehicle. With my drive-em-til-they-drop
vehicles, it's a no brainer. Again, when I had a
brand new financed vehicle, this was required so they
could cover their a$$.
Jim Accordino
--- Kneale Brownson <knotnook at> wrote:
> --
> What I actually pay is in the range of $220-240 a
> YEAR per car for PLPD on
> four vehicles. "Full-coverage" comprehensive would
> add at least a grand a
> year to each, and I bet it wouldn't pay any more
> than 5-6 grand on any one
> of them in a total collision, which I've never
> experienced in 50 years of
> driving. If I had a newer car that was financed,
> I'd have to have
> comprehensive coverage.
> At 04:25 PM 08/12/2002 -0400, Ben Swann wrote:
> >In a message dated 8/9/2002 Kneale Brownson writes:
> >
> ><< How many drivers of Audis 12 or more years old
> are still paying to
> >insure
> >them for anything but legally-necessary PLPD? At
> what it would cost for
> >comprehensive coverage of my cars here in MI, I'd
> be paying for the car
> >again every four or five years. >>
> >
> >We have had both Geico and Allstate. The killer
> has been coverage on more
> >than 2 cars when only 2 drivers. Full coverage is
> such a small amount
> >extra, it seems silly not to take it.
> >
> >For example if I cover a car for Full Coverage it
> may be like $350 every 6
> >months per vehicle. If I drop to comprehensive
> only, it only goes down to
> >something like $330 per vehicle.
> >
> >I was able to save something more substantial to
> have the extra vehicle
> >insured as a pleasure vehicle, but even then it is
> not much.
> >
> >The numbers I use are only for example, and are not
> truly what we pay.
> >
> >Ben
> >
> >With to many Audis to register and insure.
> --
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