What else ? '88 Audi 5000 - No Q, No Turbo

David Head v8q at bellsouth.net
Tue Aug 13 00:04:13 EDT 2002

Also mist some water in there... It can make for a great light show...

"Ice Cat ^. .^ ~" wrote:

> >Husband is on firm ground. They could easily go a few years,
> >especially with a little care. You take them off and inspect them
> >for pitting at the metal electrodes where the spark jumps from the
> >rotor to the cap. You can file off the oxidation and pitting if you
> >find it, or replace the unit.   You also look for greasy films and
> >faint spark trails that happen when a 50k volt spark finds a path to
> >somewhere other than its intended electrode. It is also revealing to
> >open the hood and run the engine without any illumination, in a dark
> >garage. Sometimes you see these faint blue flashes and lines in the
> >dark, on the high tension elements of the ignition system.
> >
> >If you already have the new ignition parts and discover they are not
> >needed, park them until the old ones DO need replacing.
> Doyt - he will be very happy to hear that as he is very thrifty.
> Thanks.    That is a great trick to examine the car running in the
> dark.   I should have had a V-8!     Some of this stuff sounds so
> great *after* someone points is out !           The spark trail is
> another good one.   Thanks again !!!       Fay

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