HID lights
james accordino
ssgacc at yahoo.com
Wed Aug 14 18:51:39 EDT 2002
Yup, you're right. It's just that excess for it's own
sake irks me. My car gets really good fuel mileage
and is not a polluter.
Jim Accordino
--- cobram at juno.com wrote:
> To each his own, who am I to judge. Dare I say that
> a two or three year
> old SUV pollutes less, and some get better mileage
> than the decade + cars
> usually discussed on this list? Plus they don't
> usually leave a mineral
> oil stain wherever they're parked? I know for a
> fact there are a few
> that SUV's that get better mileage and are alot
> cleaner than my beloved
> V8Q's.
> In this same vein, is there really any need for a
> car that does 150MPH,
> has overly complicated hydraulics and drains balance
> of trade dollars
> away from where it's imported? Does anyone REALLY
> need anything more
> than a 3 cylinder, 3 spd Geo Metro with crank
> windows and cloth door
> pulls? Alas the SUV-less paradise you dream of
> exists no more, only the
> fond memories of Trabants and Stasi on every corner.
> If you like it, can afford it, and it rocks your
> boat, more power to you.
> WTF am I to judge anyone for what they drive.
> I'm not fond of SUV's
> myself, but I'd dump any of the 4 ringed beasts I
> own in a NY minute if a
> 500 G-wagen crossed my path on the cheap.
> http://www.geocities.com/cobramsri/
> james accordino <ssgacc at yahoo.com> writes:
> > I have no love lost over SUV's either. Can
> someone
> > please explain to me why some 5'0", 87 lb. woman
> needs
> > to drive an 18' long, 8000 lb. behemoth? Of
> course
> > with the V10 engine that gets 4 MPG? And of
> course
> > drive with the high beams and driving/fog lights
> on at
> > all times? I REALLY need a free-fire zone. Not
> to
> > hurt anyone, just to disable their instruments of
> > pain.
> >
> > Jim Accordino
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