Detail center to avoid in Denver, CO

Brandon Rogers brogers at
Thu Aug 15 11:02:54 EDT 2002

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Hi all-
just a warning for those who are thinking about giving their car some extra=
 TLC by giving it a good professional detail.  I recently brought my '98 A4=
 in to Fire House Detail (same people as Fire House car wash) at 6th and In=
ca (a block from the car wash on Santa Fe) to geta 60k mile "freshen up"--h=
ave the carpets and cloth seats shampoo'd, exterior buffed and a good wax j=
ob, and a door ding taken out.  I was told my car was going to look better =
than new when I picked it up.  I believed them.

Here is what I got.  A clean car with no evidence of a buff job.  The car s=
till has lots of scuffing (like around door handles and door edges), certai=
n scuffs I'm aware of from hand washing the car, and minor surface scratche=
s=2E  Who knows how good the wax job is.  I was told this was a good buff j=
ob and anything more aggressive would take out the minor scuffs, but also t=
ake off the clear coat--this would have been fine had they told me this upf=
ront--not afterward.  The door ding is still somewhat visible--maybe it is =
repaired as good as can be expected--but with these guys I doubt it.  Next-=
my floormats were soaking when I picked the car up--they had the car all da=
y and I had made an appointment one week prior--there is no reason they cou=
ldn't have cleaned the carpets first and had them dry by the evening.  Even=
 worse- the mats were damaged--they had pulled the mats up and ripped the s=
ecuring clips out--literally ripped the grommet out-irrepairable.  Now thes=
e mats were not new--but they were perfectly functional prior to this.  Upo=
n first inspection my seats looked pretty good--now a few days later they l=
ook very blotchy--almost worse than before.  To top it off the manager was =
not helpful in dealing with my dissatisfaction, and when I finally met with=
 the owner-he was not much better.  Their priority was not to make a satisf=
ied customer but argue and keep as much money of mine as they could.  They =
offered to re-buff the car--after they said they already did the best job p=
ossible without taking off a lot of clearcoat--whats the point of doing it =
over, then?  And I do not trust them to ever touch my car again, period.  I=
n the end they refunded a small portion of what I paid and offered a free b=
uff/wax in the future (which-as I just said -I will never use).  I wish I h=
ad asked for a recommendation first.

Sorry for the long bitch session--just a warning-- DO NOT TAKE YOUR CAR TO =
FIRE HOUSE DETAIL CENTER IN DENVER, CO.  You will be serviced by people who=
 do not care.

'98 A4
'84 ur
Denver, CO

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