quattro digest, Vol 1 #3843 - 16 msgs

Larry C Leung l.leung at juno.com
Fri Aug 16 06:09:17 EDT 2002

Paul, Doyt,

I have a combination of your problems. I have the ability to get cooled
air through the dash vents,
but after awhile it blows out the defroster and floor (though not too
strongly). I have found two things
restore things to the dash (basically Paul's trick, turn the CC to ECON,
back off the throttle (raise the
vacuum), air out the dash vents again, turn back to A/C), or raise the
set temperature to the point the
fan doesn't run at full speed. I BELIEVE that it's a vacuum problem,
however I have yet to trace all the
leaks in the car's system (i.e. I don't quite pass the dipstick test) so
I'm not sure. Perhaps it's a leaking
servo under the dash. The problem is it's WAY too hot to work on the car,
especially under the dash
under the greenhouse in the hot sun. Ugh. Anyone have any other ideas?


> Date: Thu, 15 Aug 2002 22:38:31 -0400
> To: "Paul R. Luevano" <paul at clarity.net>
> From: "Doyt W. Echelberger" <Doyt at buckeye-express.com>
> Subject: Re: Weird AC Behavior
> Cc: quattro at audifans.com
> Paul, it does my heart good to read your story.  The A/C of my 87
> 5ktq has
> been doing that with increasing frequency for the past two years.
> This
> summer it has gotten to where it almost never blows out the dash
> vents when
> set on "Auto."
> All I ever read about that seemed to apply was a paragraph or two and
> a
> diagram in Scott Mockry's site. And I have my under-dash panels out
> and
> have looked over the things in the diagram. But, being upside down
> and
> crammed under the dash like a pretzel, my brain hasn't been very
> helpful in
> seeing what is broken or missing. And my aging eyes aren't much help
> either.
> But I do think that our salvation is described somewhere in this
> section of
> Scott's web site.
> What confuses me is that sometimes the system works exactly right
> for long
> periods of time.  If a spring were broken or missing, or the braces
> were
> messed up, I'd expect it to stay broken and blow through the
> defrosters all
> the time. (Well, the way things are going, that is what is doing
> most of
> the time anyhow.)
> Check out Scott's stuff at the address below and let me know if you
> can
> make yours work.
> http://www.sjmautotechnik.com/AC.html#recirc
> This is how my system is behaving:  On a two or three hour trip, it
> will
> usually flip over from blowing through the defrost vents and the
> foot well
> vents, and suddenly blow full force through the dash vents. And it
> usually
> stays in that mode until I stop somewhere and turn off the engine.
> Then,
> after maybe a 30 minute interval while I eat lunch or something, it
> comes
> back on through the defrost again when I start the car.
> I am so happy to hear that sound when it finally switches to the
> dash vents.
> Blowing all the time in the default mode (defrost and foot wells)
> wouldn't
> be so bad except when the defrost stream cools down the windshield
> so much
> that outside moisture condenses on the outside of the windshield and
> I have
> to start the wipers, which smears the glass and calls for frequent
> shots of
> washer fluid that doesn't really last very long. When this nasty
> cycle
> starts (usually after dark on a day that has been hot and humid), I
> have to
> run the temperature buttons up to where the defrost stream isn't
> cooling
> the glass very much.   But then, it isn't cooling down the cabin
> very much
> either, or taking out the humidity in the cabin. That may be the
> worst
> part, not decreasing the humidity.
> I hope I can finally understand Scott's suggestions.  I have even
> considered messing about with the vacuum solenoid hoses under the
> dash,
> until I get the default mode to be blowing through the dash vents.
> And then
> maybe putting a few manual valves into the resulting system so I can
> return
> to defrost if it becomes necessary (like in the winter.)
> Let's hear from some people who have solved this problem.
> Doyt Echelberger
> admitting being temporarily upside down in this problem, and not
> cool.
>  >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
> At 08:45 PM 8/15/2002 -0400, you wrote:
> >OK, so it has been hot here in the northeast.  Damn hot.  However
> I've been
> >driving with the windows open most of the time because the doggie
> like to put
> >her head out the window.  When I do this, I sometimes run the AC
> anyway,
> >to get
> >the cool breeze.
> >
> >Over the last few days, I have observed a very weird occurrence.
> When set to
> >"Auto" the AC will stop blowing from the dash vents.  This can
> happen after
> >several minutes or after just a few seconds.  It seems to blow out
> of the
> >defrost vents, but very weakly. Here is the weird part, if I switch
> it to
> >"Econ", it blows out of the dash vents with a vengeance.  I can
> then
> >switch back
> >to "Auto" and it will repeat, lasting from several seconds to
> several minutes.
> >
> >Anyone ever had this happen to them?  Any likely places to start
> looking?  It
> >would be nice to have AC on these hot days.  :)
> >
> >Thanks much!
> >
> >--
> >____________________________________________________________________
> >Paul Luevano            |   AMA * MSF   |'99 CBR 600F4  (Racebike)
> >http://teamdaemon.com   | USM * CCS #898|'97 CBR 1100XX
> (Streetbike)
> >Waltham, MA USA         |  NMA #116657  |'91 200TQ20V   (Winter)
> >_____"The purpose of man is to live, not to exist."-Jack
> London_____
> >_______________________________________________
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> >200q20v at audifans.com
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