
james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Fri Aug 16 17:45:46 EDT 2002

You make some excellent points regarding insurance.
Back in the 80's, my insurance company "winked" when I
wrecked my first bike racing.  By the second one, the
answer was very different.  If they KNOW or THINK you
were "racing" when it happened you're probably going
to get nothing.  Except getting your policy cancelled.

Good luck
Jim Accordino

--- "Roger M. Woodbury" <rmwoodbury at downeast.net>
> I wonder who the insurance carrier is, and if you
> have really read your
> insurance policy.
> Somewhere in the policy probably lurks an exclusion
> for "speed events,
> including practicing for speed events, racing,
> including practicing for
> racing....."
> This is a universal exclusion and I know of no
> insurance company that

-big snip

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