overflowing coolant

james accordino ssgacc at yahoo.com
Mon Aug 19 19:40:46 EDT 2002

I think the issue is the amount of fluid you put in
the system, not the "type" of said fluid.  The level
flucuates and if you refilled it hot, running or not
"right to the brim", then shortly after turnoff this
"excess" fluid will be expelled.  There are always two
lines on coolant tanks.  Hot fill and cold fill.  The
levels can vary greatly depending on the vehicle and
it's system capacity.  Audi doesn't give you this
information.  My coolant tanks show a "MAX" line.  IOW
don't fill above this line when hot or it will be

Jim Accordino

--- walian at att.net wrote:
> Hello all,
>  Can replacing the coolant with straight water make
> the
> expansion tank overflow? I have just put the timing
> belt and refilled the radiator with water. I drove
> to
> work this morning(20 min) and noticed that the car
> was
> low on coolant(water) a few hours later when I went
> to
> run an errand the emergency light came on and the
> expansion tank was completely empty. I filled it to
> the
> brim with water and drove home, no problems. I just
> came back from a store and the radiator expansion
> tank
> is now leaking water. Can this be due to straight
> water
> or a bad thermostat which I just replaced?
> Thanks
> Frank

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