HELP! 10V Turbo I-5 piston sources needed!!!

Jim Green jeg1976 at
Mon Aug 19 23:16:01 EDT 2002

--- Ameer Antar <antar at> wrote:
> Hey. I know I'm crasy... but what are all my options
> for buying a new set
> of pistons for an MC OR KH turbo motor? I need to
> tell the shop what bore
> size to go for, and the owner wants me to find out
> all the possibilities.
> Are they even available through Audi? Are there any
> non-OE but non-custom
> aftermarket companies that sell these? Any engine
> rebuilder's parts links?
> The shop owner only works on American (his bore
> machine will just barely
> fit into the KH holes), but he says there's
> companies that stock pistons
> for every car, but they're not OE. He only has one
> foreign catalog. Thanks
> yall.

The specs have left my mind, some digging in the
archives should work, there have been many threads on
what's a good size to bore to.  Also, I would try and
find a machine shop that is at least proficient in VW
motors, they would be able to hook you up, and do the
job right.

If not, call around, try and dig up the name of the
supplier that some other shops use, and call them
yourself.  The main distributer in Denver is EPW
(engine parts warehouse) and yes, they have almost
everything, for every car.  I called them, got part
#'s for my engine bearings, found out who I could buy
them through, went to the local auto store, Checker,
and had them order it in for me.

Funny thing is, if you go to Checker and ask them for
.25mm over engine bearings, they'll say they're not
available.  Sometimes you just have to do stuff


Jim Green
'89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5

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