'97 A6Q rear brakes

Lee Levitt lee at wheelman.com
Tue Aug 20 06:51:37 EDT 2002

walian at att.net writes:
>  I am attempting to replace the brakes on my A6 and
> can't seem to get the piston in the rear calipers to
> push back so I can insert the new pads. I noticed the
> the bently mentions to use a special tool which
> requires turning 2parts. Is this required? Should it be
> like older brakes just open the bleeder screw in the
> back and force the piston back using a tool. ( I have
> drilled and tapped an M10 through one of the old pads
> and then placed the other pad in the to push against
> the piston when I turn the the screw.) This doesn't
> seem to be doing to much, am I just not applying enough
> pressure?

When I did the brakes on my cars, I used the official VAG tool, which works
sorta like a big C-Clamp. I'm not sure how I would have done it without the
tool...would have been a real PITA.

'95.5 S6 avant
'96 A6 quattro avant

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