speed and reference sensor '87 5ktq - test?

Ben Swann bswann at worldnet.att.net
Wed Aug 21 17:16:27 EDT 2002

On Wednesday, August 21, 2002 12:59 PM, Ben Swann
[SMTP:bswann at worldnet.att.net] wrote:
> Patient: '87 5000 Turbo Quattro
> Symptom: hesitation at high load, boost and RPM
> I am following upon a check engine light 2111 code pulled which
> to the RPM/speed sensor.
> I have also been having a symptom of hesitation at higher load and RPM(3k
> on up).
> I installed new plugs cap and rotor which helped, but there is still some
> hesitation at 1.3 bar on up to 1.7bar - yes the car has a mod.  This
> symptom has been present on the car since I purchased it 10 months ago,
> I'd like to get rid of it, even though the engine otherwise runs fine.
> I pulled out the reference and speed sensor assembly to clean, and there
> appears to be some physical damage - particularly the speed sensor is
> dented, and you can turn the sensor with respect ot its connector.
> So although I will likely get a replacement, can I check to see if these
> are still good even though they appear damaged?  There was a bit of crud
> clean, and some metal filings held onto both sensors magnetically which I
>  suspect could have contributed to faulty operation.
> Ben
OK - Now I cleaned the sensors and re-installed.

I now consistantly get a 2142 - knock sensor.  Also a second code of all
blank occurs when I insert fuse a second time - end of diagnosis or ???.

Does someone want to confirm any bad news or perhaps give me some good.


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