5000tq pulling right

B Vibert blur at sympatico.ca
Sat Aug 24 22:38:40 EDT 2002

Jim Haseltine wrote:
> One time when my Ur-q was off the road I borrowed my mother's car - it was
> awful, dragging to the left all the time. Asked her what she'd hit. Nothing.
> So I took it in for alignment, according to the shop it was spot on, no
> problems - but still pulled.
> Took a look at it myself and couldn't find anything wrong, then spotted that
> the RH wheel which I'd removed wasn't standing vertically, it was leaning to
> one side. The inner side wall was 1/4" lower than the outer, making the tyre
> somewhat wedge-shaped.
> Swapped the front wheels side-for-side and took it for a drive to check - in
> yards I was nearly off the road - I was used to it pulling left (and
> steering right to compensate) and now it was pulling right.

If it is the tire pulling this is called conicity.  The hard part is
to determine if the tire is worn on one side because of a bad
alignment or worn parts which is causing the conicity  by unevenly
wearing the tire, or is the tire the original problem.
Of course it could be a sticky caliper or even a problem in the rear

BTW, some OE tires are built with conicity to solve handling problems
for the vehicle they are designed for.  Tricky huh?

Burl Vibert
1987 5kcstq
Kingston, Ontario

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