is there an easy way to decipher part #'s?

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at
Mon Aug 26 12:44:50 EDT 2002

The reason I ask is due to inconsistencies between suppliers and the family
album.  In looking for a CV boot kit for my 5ktq, I came across 3 diff part

FA shows 443-498-203 A and looks like it includes clamps.

Supplier (Bow Wow Auto Parts) shows boot kit 431-498-203 E and
447-407-285.  I have emailed them for a description of the difference but
not heard back yet.

I would like to be able to say I want part # ----- so that I can be sure of
getting the right part.

Any insight that the knowledgeable can shed on this would be greatly
appreciated by myself as well as other listers in the same situation.


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