electric impact wrench 12v or 120v?

lenoble at optonline.net lenoble at optonline.net
Tue Aug 27 23:38:32 EDT 2002

Hello Scott,

I have a 120V electric Impact Wrench. Mine is from
Harbor Freight, and it cost about $50. While it is
not the highest quality tool in the world, I am very
happy with it.

I use mine at the track to quickly swap wheels. I don't
use it at home, as I have a compressor, and air tools.

Regarding 120VAC vs 12VDC, there are two types of DC models
I'm aware of. There are real cheap ones that connect to your
battery. Those, IMHO, are junk. I haven't seen any that
developed a decent amount of torque, and, even worse, they
are slow. I have seen some that use built in batteries.
Those work well, but are EXPENSIVE, like $250 - $300.

I figured that I would spend $50 to see if it worked.
I was pleasantly surprised to find that it works great.
I don't know how useful it would be for regular automotive
use, the gun is large and won't fit in too many places.

Good luck,

Original Message:
From: scott thomas scott at dreamtheater.zzn.com
Date: Tue, 27 Aug 2002 10:54:07 -0400
To: quattro at audifans.com
Subject: electric impact wrench 12v or 120v?

I got alot of feedback about the electric impact
wrenches. I'm definately gonna buy one.
Hopefully, it'll break the crank bolt off like
some listers have said for themselves. If not,
it's still something I want for lugnuts, axle
bolts, etc.

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