compression test #'s help

Ron Wainwright ron_01056 at
Wed Aug 28 14:26:49 EDT 2002

  Jim and listers

  Little more info for those of you following allong,
 Under a heavy foot just starting off in 1st there is
a cloud of smoke out the rear pipe but not under
normal driving,
 looks to be white/grey smoke
 there's all so a lot of oil in the lower intercooler
to turbo hose,
 and in the turbo hose going to the fuel distributor,
 all so oil in the Michelin man hose as well
 I did the compression test as per Bentley
instructions did then twice to make sure they were
done rite.
 I just changed the oil in the car on Sunday and on
Tues I had to add a full quart, the oil wasn't showing
on the dip stick and the car only went 100 miles in
that time.

  Another thing I mentioned the oil loss to my local
Audi Tech whom I have a VERY close relationship with
I've known him for like 10 years so I know he wont
tell me some bullshit story to try and sell me a turbo
or anything but he has said that it's the turbo and he
wont change his mind,
 my question is whats the likely hood that it's the
turbo over the valve seals? on a scale from 1-10.
Thanks for the additional info
87 5ksq non turbo(original owner) 230k euros,white
corners,fuchs,eibach prokit,boge turbogas,strut
bar,power leather sport seat conversion from MANUAL
90 200tqa 209k IA stageII,2.0 bar,20V rear brake

--- Jim Green <jeg1976 at> wrote:
> --- Ron Wainwright <ron_01056 at>
> >   Listers,
> >
> >   I have a frantic problem I'm burning oil
at a
> good
> > rate in my 90 200tqa with 209k
> >  so I performed a compression test and would
> to
> > know what these #'s mean
> >  If you'r lookin at the head from the front
I get
> > #1) 120
> Good
> > #2) 150
> Really Good,  Must have some gunk on those
> > #3) 120
> Good
> > #4) 120
> Good
> > #5) 120
> >   So how can I interpret these #'s?
> These are nothing to be ashamed of, especially if
> your
> at altitude.
> >  The only other things that could be
draining the
> > amount of oil i'm loosin is eather the valve
> seals,
> There you, go smoke on startup and rundown would
> show
> bad valve seals.
> >  or the turbo and is there a way to check
> turbo?
> >  Any help would be great
> Turbo would give you a the mosquito fogger effect
> acceleration.  My bet is on those valve seals
> though.
> HTH,
> =====
> Jim Green
> '89 90tq 034EFI, Haltech IG5
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