New member Tyson Fuel distributor potentiometer 2 bolt grey part

Tigran Varosyan tigran at
Sun Dec 1 22:36:55 EST 2002

Time out! I had like 3 people here tell me that DPR ohm reading should be
something like 17-20. I tested it and it came to 18.6 ohm. Whats this about
150-200?! I know exactly about the part you are talking about... I dont
think my manual mentions ohm readings. I will go back and look again...


-----Original Message-----
From: quattro-admin at [mailto:quattro-admin at]On
Behalf Of Suffolk GameServer LAN
Sent: Sunday, December 01, 2002 10:29 PM
To: quattro at
Subject: RE: New member Tyson Fuel distributor potentiometer 2 bolt grey

Tyson:  Hopefully you found it out as I'm a few days behind.
My rant has the test in it. Either black or grey. RE-read:

The part has two screws holding it on.  A pressure regualtor.
By the front pass hood pin near the fuel distributor.
An ohm meter should have a constant 150/200 ohm or so reading across the two
pins with the plug removed.
The point here is that if the Ohm reading increases in value during testing
is an open circuit (infinity - or blinking) that part is clogged OR BAD and
needs replacement.
A used VW quantum or other Audi 5cylinder part will work, but test it first
at the junk yard.

That is taken from:
Message: 10
From: "Suffolk GameServer LAN" < at>
To: <quattro at>
Subject: RE: Poor running New member with bad problem poteniometer fuel
Date: Tue, 26 Nov 2002 00:52:46 -0500

BTW- I know CIS is higher pressure than EFI, but 120 psi sounds very,
very high.  Sounds like a fuel pressure regulator is stuck, perhaps?

>4000Q:  Huw or Ben (I forget) corrected me on the potentiomter thing in the

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