Prob. the best source for K-Jetronic found on the internet!

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Dec 2 19:58:44 EST 2002

An even better explanation of exactly how I felt.
Well said.

Jim Accordino

--- SJ <syljay at> wrote:
> And all this while I thought it was me! The text on
> that site seems to have
> been translated from another language by machine.
> And somebody was too cheap
> to get an english expert to check for grammar and
> semantics. Reminds me of
> the user instructions for items made in china.
> If one does not know anything technical, the
> presentation seems awe
> inspiring. For the more technical geeks, the
> reading, and mental grammar and
> spelling corrections quickly tire the brain so one
> starts losing
> concentration. Slowly you become befuddled. After
> reading the whole thing,
> you think you know what was explained. But, you
> couldnt explain it to anyone
> else. And, the next day you dont know what the hell
> you read.
> Just when the information gets interesting, the
> sales pitch comes in. Kind
> of reminds you of the Amway propaganda. They tell
> you everything but what
> you want to know.
> I have this informal test for detecting a bullshit
> artist. You go in with a
> question . . .and you leave not knowing why you went
> there in the first
> place. You have just met a first class bullshit
> artist. But, I digress and I
> am philosophising . . . . . . . .
> Time to sit on the pot and meditate on Probst's
> "Bosch Fuel Injection &
> Engine Management" book, and defuddle my brain.
> SJ
> 85 Dodge PU
> 85 4k - - sold but still on the road
> 88 5kq
> 90 100q

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