Semperit Sport Grip report

james accordino ssgacc at
Tue Dec 3 14:35:11 EST 2002

Nice.  Some tires I hadn't even heard of.  The tires,
not the brand.  Mainly what it had me thinking was I
guess Europe's just a free fire zone now with Germans
putting up factories anywhere they think they can make
some of their products with quality, but at a better
price.  I think for the most part they are succeeding.
 Fool pumps and crappy Italian water pumps
notwithstanding.  Although I guess the WP's aren't
even German anyway, are they?  Graf? vs. Geba is the
true German one.  I don't know, Graf SOUNDS German to
me.  Anyway, thanks for the info.

Jim Accordino

--- Thompson <carreragt at> wrote:
> s-gruppe -
> Last month I stepped down from my annual Hakki
> purchase and picked up some
> of the new Semperit Sport Grips to try on the S4.
> 205/55-16 size on ATS type
> 10 7.5x16 rims wrapped over my 993 big reds. Tread
> is similar to Nokian NRWs
> but with a very open center section. My wife
> commutes back and forth to
> Burlington, VT and is always on clean plowed
> interstate 89. Sometimes it is
> snowy, but mostly clean. I thought that this would
> be a good compromise
> for her. My commute is another story.
> For the last few days it's snowed like mad AND been
> cold - this morning it
> was 9 deg. My commute to work consists of a 12 mile
> one way mountain drive
> from Milton to Westford, Vermont - narrow twistys.
> The road is a rallye
> drive period. When it's snowing out, it's a rallye
> cross! Up at the summit
> in the esses, town 'o Westford boys are busy plowing
> the dirt roads first
> and leave the tarmac for last - if that. 2-4" of
> fluff this morning with
> loads of ice. Most days in the winter I drive my
> type44 (urq is nestled in
> der garage w/Carrera) and took the S4 out for a
> drive. WOW! For a
> non-studded, extreme winter spec tire, I'm impressed
> with their performance
> in all conditions. For the price, these Sport Grips
> are awesome @ $67ea!
> They are NOT Hakki 1s with eco studs, but very good.
> They look almost
> identical to Nokian NRWs, except for the reversed
> open center section. Made
> in Portugal (of all places) and not Germany like I
> was expecting, they even
> come equipped with "" on the side.
> Plenty of siped treads
> and grip. I give them my thumbs up.
> Regards,
> Thompson

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