Let's talk about snow driving...

Thompson Smith carreragt at rennlist.com
Fri Dec 6 21:09:20 EST 2002

I rarely drive the interstate in the snow, but my wife does, and she pussy
foots it. That wouldn't be fun to have it happen though. You could also grab
a little e-brake action rallye style. That ALWAYS works. :^) Just did it
this morning pulling into my parking spot at work, for a full 90 deg'er.
Honestly, when it does happen, the last thing you reach for is the e-brake.
You're thinking about plowing into something and kinda brain fade for a few
seconds. Anyway, as the thread has mentioned, the best with older locker
quattros is to keep the center diff locked in the rain and snow. It aids
braking and makes the quattros rear come out sooner.


> From: james accordino <ssgacc at yahoo.com>
> Date: Fri, 6 Dec 2002 14:54:24 -0800 (PST)
> To: Thompson Smith <carreragt at rennlist.com>
> Cc: audi list <quattro at audifans.com>
> Subject: Re: Let's talk about snow driving...
> Does that really get the fronts to hook up again?
> Even if they've REALLY lost traction?  I'll have to
> try that.  Ever pull that off in a hairy situation on
> the interstate full of traffic?
> Thanks
> Jim Accordino

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