4kq: Rear tie rod removal?

Bob H. rjh_tsi at yahoo.com
Sun Dec 8 12:45:33 EST 2002

I don't know about any nut on the end of this bolt.  The bolt appears to
thread into part of the subframe once it goes through the tie-rod.  I got
the other side out without holding onto any lock nut.

But, the one that's being stubborn appears to have rusted itself into
becoming one piece with the inner tie rod end.  The rubber bushing has a
metal sleeve in the center through which this bolt passes.  Upon closer
inspection, I can see that the entire rubber bushing (and presumably this
metal sleeve) is turning with every turn of the bolt.  That would explain
my difficulty in turning the bolt!  As I back the bolt out of the
subframe, this metal sleeve is what is pushing against the bracket and
bending it.

In any case, I've been putting penetrating oil on it regularly and beating
it with a hammer.  I'm not sure what I'm going to do next.  Possibly use
my dremel to cut the head of the bolt off, then knock the entire
bolt/sleeve/bushing assembly out with the tie rod itself.  (Then replace
the bolt. ;-)

Nothing is more therapeutic than beating on stuff with a hammer.  Well,
except for using a torch, dremel, and hammer together. :-)

Thanks for everyone's suggestions.  Invaluable as usual.

--- Huw Powell <human747 at attbi.com> wrote:
> > Seems straightforward enough, use a tie rod puller (or pickle fork) to
> > free the tie rod end from the strut housing.  Then, remove a 19mm bolt
> > connecting the other end ("eye") of the tie rod to the subframe.
> >
> > Well, it appears that the 19mm bolt is bending the part of the
> subframe as
> > I am backing it out.  I'm having to use an 18" breaker bar with a 3'
> > cheater pipe to get it to back out, and the bending bracket might
> explain
> > that.
> Are you holding the nut on the other end with a wrench, too?  It is a
> lock nut, and maybe your bolt is trying to turn "out" of the bracket
> etc, and pulling the nut along with it?
> You did ask for dumb suggestions...
> Now, if you do have that under control, maybe the bolt is managing to
> try to "thread" itself into one or more of the three bits it goes
> through (bracket/tie rod/bracket) and not one of the others, creating a
> force between the two bits.  A hammer might help, a bigger hammer might
> help more, at least to vent some frustration (!).  Also some penetrant
> could be beneficial.
> --
> Huw Powell
> http://www.humanspeakers.com/
> http://www.humanthoughts.org/

Racing makes heroin addiction seem like a vague wish for something salty.

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