Interesting Audi mag / UrQ valence

Kneale Brownson knotnook at
Mon Dec 9 10:09:51 EST 2002

At 09:44 AM 12/09/2002 -0500, EBavely wrote:
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>Hello all...
>I was in Barnes and Noble this past weekend lurking among the car mags and
>lo and behold I found a very interesting English magazine I'd never
>noticed before.  It's called Audi Driver and had a white 20v UrQ on the
>cover.  The magazine features many articles mainly featuring the UrQ and
>Sport Q.  Anyone seen it?
>There are articles about a Dialynx track car, a comparison between a Sport
>Q and a modern Mitsu Evo and a ton of good pictures.  I snapped it up and
>have enjoyed reading it so far...
>It's a bit steep at around $10 (imported), but would make a nice little
>stocking stuffer idea... (no affiliations or connections with the mag or
>its publishers, of course).  It struck me as kind of strange (but cool)
>that such a large chain would offer a magazine with such a seemingly
>obscure subject matter to the general, they had about 6
>copies of it.

I remember seeing Audi Driver magazine in a doctor's office years
ago.  Probably the way the physician justified the high cost of a subscription.

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