Snow driving/tires

james accordino ssgacc at
Mon Dec 9 13:51:46 EST 2002

Yeah, there's a standard test the tires must pass to
get the "snowflake".  It's on one of the big online
retailers websites (Tirerack?).   Anyway, tires of the
"winter variety" can be either snow or ice/slush
friendly.  "I" haven't yet found one that does both
excellently.  The mutt at the tire store might not
even know the difference between snow and slush

Jim Accordino
ps-the Alpins WILL be better on snow than ANY
no-season or road radial he might have had on there.
We're talking absolutes here.  Best on snow pack; best
on ice.

--- tihol_tiholov at wrote:
> LL - NY and me:
> >> >The big issue is that the Alpins just don't cut
> it in deep fresh
> >> snow
> >>
> >> Maybe because they're ice tires
> >Sad, they marketed them to my Dad as snow tires,
> snowflake
> >symbol (sidewall) and all.
> I think those symbols are put on all dedicated
> winter tires (ir)regardless
> if they're snow or ice.  In most of Europe ice tires
> seem to be more
> popular, I guess because most of the roads get
> cleaned quickly, so not much
> driving on fresh snow happens.  Temporary closures
> of roads (incl.
> autobahn) by police if they're very icy is common in
> Germany.
> Greetings,
> Tihol

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