Strange Sighting In Santa Cruz Today--Badge Engineering?

Per Lindgren lindgre at
Tue Dec 10 19:34:35 EST 2002

Michael Riebs / Audi V8 wrote:

>----- Original Message -----
>From: "Per Lindgren" <lindgre at>
>Nice! Very nice, but...
>>Here's a test post @ forums.vwvortex with a picture of my car:
>> Btw, this car is
>>completely stock, except for the huge quattro scripts on the sides,
>>which I believe was some dealer option.
>Um, the "Treser-like" blacked-out taillights... Was that stock too?
Yes, stock on all non-USA Coupes and Urqs from 1985 on. AFAIK, these
were the first cars in the world to have black tinted taillights. And it
looks fantastic on the black coupe! :-)

87 Cq

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