More '89 200q power problems

John David Anderson janders1 at
Tue Dec 10 18:30:20 EST 2002

>Well, the different manuals are written for different reasons.  The shop
>manual has vastly more info than the haynes or chilton, just because it
>doesn't necessarily answer a question you have doesn't make it
>worthless.  It is really intended for dealer techs wokring on cars that
>are still set up properly (ie, no one ever messed up the vacuum lines,
>or swapped in substitute parts, etc.)
>Haynes and chilton are written more for the much later owner, but also
>have much less detail on some things.

Don't get me wrong here, I personally own almost every Bentley written
for VW's from mid 60's through mid 90's.  I have no trouble
understanding most of them, even when they changed in the 80's to this
useless "picture" format instead of the good ole text style manuals
(which they have ventured back to on occasion BTW.)  But this thing is
positively the worst, I mean there are still scores of pages showing
earlier 80's cars with no bearing on the massive 3 year span this is
supposed to cover, let alone the 3B stuff just dropped in with a
blender wherever it seemed to fit.  Positively the worst.  Makes me
wonder if they are actually the "factory service manuals" or not, oft
times what the dealer got starting in the 80's was not in fact what
appeared in the consumer Bentley printing.  Perhaps this explains why
VW/Audi dealer service became so comically bad in the 80's.

Anyway, thanks for the thoughts.


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