Broomstick and TTs

Dave Hord spokes at
Wed Dec 11 08:30:10 EST 2002

The broomstick rule eliminates me from driving ANY car I've ever owned on a
track using that rule.

I'm 6'4" and most of that is in my upper body (my legs are short, about the
same as a normal 5'11" person.

I don't fit in ANYTHING.  Even my rally car, where I've got two Cobra race
buckets mounted to the floor as low as possible (easily a 5-6" drop from the
stock seats lowest position), I STILL don't pass the broomstick rule.  Heck,
without a helmet on I don't clear the cage -> I'm too freaking tall.


The only car I've ever owned where the roof is tall enough, is my 1975 VW
beetle...but even then, if I put a cage in it...I wouldn't pass the broomstick
rule. Not to mention with its stock 56hp it's not too exciting on anything
bigger then a solo II track.

So what of us abnormally tall folk? Should we (I) be banned from racing?  As
much as I hate the 'slouch for inspection' (which, in the racing buckets is
surprisingly easy) what other choice do I have?

I recognize, and fully agree with the safety aspect of the broomstick
rule...but I'm curious to know Mark, what would the NEQ do in my situation?
Ban me from entering the track because it's impossible to buy/prep a vehicle
that my frame will fit in? True, I could buy an SUV...but what would the point

89 90q  300km+ Rally Conversion...
Roll cage shots available at:

Quoting Jon Linkov <linkov at>:

> The broomstick rule was adopted by the National body of the Audi Club North
> America, and all chapters had to follow the decision. You'll still see 1-2
> TT Roadsters at events, driven by people short enough (height challenged?
> To
> be PC) to fit under the broomstick with a helmet on.
> Tracks, however, seem to be cracking down too. VIR doesn't accept
> manufacturer "roll hoops" as safe. They want a full cage, which THEY must
> sign off on. So no Boxster, TT or Z3/Z4 convertibles there without full
> cages.
> --__--__--
> Message: 15
> From: AudiBiTurbo at
> Date: Wed, 11 Dec 2002 01:31:49 EST
> Subject: Re: TT Rollbars (and "broomstick" rule)
> To: TheRingmeister at, brett at,
>     quattro at
> --
> [ Picked text/plain from multipart/alternative ]
> The NEQ (at my urging, amongst *plenty* others) has officially adopted the
> "broomstick rule," which is common to any PCA (Porsche Club of America)
> folks.  Simply stated, you take a flat edge (a broomstick handle does, in
> fact, work perfectly) and go across the car from the top of the windshield
> frame to the top of the rear structure (usually a roll bar or hoops).  With
> the driver and passenger (instrurctor) seated as normal AND wearing thier
> helmets (helmets EASILY add 2+ inches to the top of your head), there must
> be
> a 2" clearance from the helmet to the broomstick.  Really simple, good
> safety
> rule.
> I personally saw 3 cars on thier roof at driver's education events this
> year
> with various clubs (ACCNA included).  It does happen, and in every case it
> happened to a good driver, drivers you would NOT expect it to happen to.
> Mark Rosenkrantz
> Marker510 at

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