FW: GL4 vs. GL5

Livolsi, Stephane Stephane.Livolsi at investorsgroup.com
Wed Dec 11 14:02:18 EST 2002

The Amsoil rep I talked to sounded knowledgable and credible.  What I got
out of it was that the GL rating really applies to dino based oils as they
behave differently under different conditions. ie GL4 properly lubes a
passenger car and light truck application, GL5 for heavy duty higher
pressure applications. The GL5 should not be used in the lighter
applications because it will not properly lubricate the smaller components
ESPECIALLY at lower temps.  He says all this goes out the window with
synthetics because they are all very stable over a broad range of temps and
conditions. That is how they get away with a 'GL2 through GL5' spec.  It
makes sense to me.  However, he could not address the high pressure
additives to the GL5 and whether or not they are present in synthetics.

I will be going with the Amsoil GL4 80W90 (marketed as marine lube - don't
know why)

Many listers said just order the Redline - unfortunately for me, I am a
touchy feely, pick it up and shake it around, smell it and taste it before
you buy it kinda guy - not big into mail order.  I know, I know, I should
get a grip, buy I yam what I yam.

Thanks to all who provided input.


> ----------
> From: 	qshipaz at juno.com[SMTP:qshipaz at juno.com]
> Sent: 	December 11, 2002 10:29 AM
> To: 	quattro at audifans.com
> Subject: 	GL4 vs. GL5
> Greetings Audinauts,
> Hmmm. I heard that GL5 should not be used, but could never remember why.
> Guess the GL5 I topped the TQ box off with last week is gonna come out!
> Question, though:
> I believe in Redline's quality, but I am superstitious about using
> synthetic in a car which has likely always used "bean oil"- maybe just for
> the potential of new leaks developing. But otherwise- where can you get
> non-synth GL4?? I used to use Castrol in my departed 5kt, but I can't
> locate the stuff anywhere....
> Oil found on FLAPS shelves states "GL2 through GL5"... how??
> Regards,
> Rob
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