re. is this bad gas?

Ben Swann bswann at
Thu Dec 12 23:28:43 EST 2002

It could be bad gas.  If the gas has water, and it is/has been freezing,
you could be getting ice, possibly even jamming the pump.  So I guess don't
rule out bad gas.

Now,  on the several of these cars I've messed with lately, almost all of
them had to have the FI thermo sender replaced.  The symptoms you describe
are right in line with what happens when they go bad.  This seems to be the
common fault I've dealt with lately, but certainly not the only possible
culprit you can nail down.

IMO, replace it - thepartsconection has them so cheap, I just check them
for the fun of it, and even if they seem close, put the new one on anyway -
problem usually got fixed with the new one.  These things are amazing for
the trouble they can cause when not working right.  Also, the problems
reared up with the colder weather, as the cars were running great up until

So, have you replaced your sensor lately?


[My 86 4kq, while ugly and rattly and noisy, runs PERFECT.  Or it did until
I tried to leave for work this morning.

  Yesterday I got gas at the usual place (less than 1 mile from my house),
checked the oil and found I needed a top up.  Got home and parked.  Popped
the hood and added about 1/3qt oil.  Put the filler cap back on (checked ;)
).  Decided to top off the battery as well, as cold morning starts were a
little slower than normal.  Nothing major there- cells were down a bit but
plates weren't visible. Sealed everything back up.

  Go to leave this morning, and as usual it started right up but then
stalled.  WTF?  It did that about 10 times, starting fine then stalling
immediately.  If I crack the throttle while starting, it revved up then
stalled.  A couple times it would 'idle' for 10-15 seconds, but it might
have been firing on 1 cyl every 4th rotation...

  To me bad gas is the obvious answer, but if that's the case why did it
start well?  Still good gas in the CSV line?  10 starts worth?

  Could I have gotten Something Important below the battery wet when adding
water? (it was done rather sloppily, but there was no electrolyte spilled,
just water).

  Suggestions for diagnosis/remediation gladly accepted.


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