90q instrument illumination- Please Help!

DePenning, Charles [FRCO/MTN] Charles.DePenning at EmersonProcess.com
Sun Dec 15 21:38:08 EST 2002

Hi all- it's been awhile since I've posted.  Hopefully someone out there has
had experience with this and can help me!  I've got an '89 90q that I
recently bought and put a new radio in.  During the installation, I
accidently left an illumination wire dangling uncovered.  It must have
grounded on the top of the climate control box because my dash lights (and
license plate lights, glove compartment lights i.e. fuse 14) were out.
Blown fuse.  I kept blowing fuses trying to track the problem down.  Once I
finally found the likely cause (the dangling wire) I put a new fuse in, and
while it did not blow when I turned on the lights, I still have no dash
lights.  So now what I am worried about is that I damaged something in the
circuit during this repeated testing phase.
What I have checked:
-Circuit for fuse 14 is good, other than dash lights (license plate lights
and glow box lights ok)
-Turn on parking light switch on stalk, no lights (even clock goes dark)
with exception of computer, which does dim with pot on cluster.  No climate
control lights either.
-no voltage to the 'dangling wire' with stalk switch on, regardless of pot
-removed cluster.  Checked resistance of pot- ok.  Checked voltage supply to
pin 1 of yellow connector (per Bentley)- ok.  Checked voltage regulator per
Bentley- ok.  Looked at soldered connections on cluster where
multi-connectors go- look ok, but hard to verify.

So now I have the cluster out and in pieces on the bench.  Are there other
things to check before I reassemble?  What about other voltages on the
multi-connectors?  I'm worried that I popped a trace on the board or ???
I have part 1 of the Bentley for this car, but no wiring diagrams, so I am
(ha ha) somewhat in the dark on the circuit.
I sure would love some assistance on this, since it is my commuting vehicle,
and I am hesitant to reassemble for tomorrow before knowing I have done
everything I can while the cluster is out.

Thanks much,

Charley DePenning
Ames, Iowa
'90 CQ; '89 90q; '84 4kq; '83 5kT and counting.....

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